Use "impressment|impressments" in a sentence

1. Impressment, essentially conscription by the "press gang", was a favored recruiting method, though it was unpopular with the public, leading many to enlist in local militias to avoid regular service.

2. No logistical corps existed in the modern sense; while on campaign in foreign territories such as America, horses, wagons, and drivers were frequently requisitioned from the locals, often by impressment or by hire.

3. Synonyms of Commandeering (Entry 1 of 2) the unlawful taking or withholding of something from the rightful owner under a guise of authority the Spanish navy's Commandeering of fishing boats and impressment of fishermen

4. James Monroe, then a foreign minister acting under instructions from U.S. Secretary of State James Madison, demanded British disavowal of the deed, the restoration of the four seamen, the recall of Admiral Berkeley, the exclusion of British warships from U.S. territorial waters, and the abolition of impressments from vessels under the United States flag.